Tuesday 15 November 2016

Grooms who jilted their brides at the altar confess why they did it

Grooms who jilted their brides at the altar confess why they did it

People who decided to cancel their wedding have revealed their reasons for ditching their partner at the altar.

The runaway brides and grooms took to social media site Reddit to answer the question: "Redditors who have left your fiance at the altar, why did you do it and what happened?" Read some responses below

1. 'She wanted one last fling'

Defoler said: "I left her on the day before, because on a bachelor party for me, one of her friends who came with us as a "keep an eye I won't cheat with a stripper" drunkly confessed that he knew my fiancé cheated on me with some douchebag for the last two months, because she wanted one last fling.

"I also found out that some of my friends knew about it but did not tell.
"She denied it, but eventually confessed and tried to justify. We broke of course.
"I ended up having to sue her for all the wedding payments I had to put out because I couldn't get back most of the down payments I put and her family would not help with the wedding because they are cheap skunks.
I won and got all my money back because she was afraid it will be known (I found out the douchebag is actually one the bosses at her work, and he is married)
"The last I heard of her, she got knocked up by said douchebag. He got custody on their child, and she is living with her parents, no job, wasting her life away."
 2. "She became more and more controlling"

xavier_grayson wrote: 
"I left my ex-fiancé a month before the wedding.
"Backstory: I never actually proposed to her, she more or less did it to me. We were in a mall and she wanted to go to a jewelry store to look at engagement rings.
"I wasn't expecting to walk out of there with one but we did. The salesperson even took a "just engaged" Polaroid.
"She became more and more controlling and I couldn't take it anymore. After I left her, her friend texted me on the day of the supposed ceremony telling me the cake was delicious.My ex-somehow managed to break into my email and asked me who a girl was in an email I received AFTER I left her. I could understand her reasoning if it was before, but it wasn't."She also texted me a while after I left and told me she missed her period. An hour later, I got another text that said, "Never mind.
"I'm pretty sure I dodged a bullet by leaving."
 3. "All she cared about was the wedding"

biscuitfool said: "My brother left his fiancé a week before the wedding.

"Basically as soon as he proposed, all she cared about was the wedding. He wanted a very small wedding and she wanted a huge one. She was also VERY religious (her father is a preacher) and he was not at all.
"She told him she wanted him to become a deacon in her fathers church - and he told her no, he didn't want to do that.
"Pretty much they were disagreeing on everything up to that point. Finally he called it off. He said it was the hardest thing he's ever had to do but he knew he made the right decision."

4. "I miss her, but I think I dodged a bullet."

Scrappy_Larue said:
"Not at the altar, but I bailed just two days before we were headed to city hall.
"It was a green card marriage. On our second date she mentioned that her visa was expiring in six months, and I jokingly proposed to her.
We continued dating, were falling for each other, and that proposal became much more real as the deadline approached.
"I backed out at the last minute because we just didn't agree on a few details. Living arrangements and finances were easy."What couldn't be negotiated was how seriously either of us wanted to take those vows. I wanted to at least attempt to be a married, monogamous couple. She didn't really want to commit to that."If she falls deeper in love, great. If not, we're just roommates."I miss her, but I think I dodged a bullet."I believe she would have vanished on me at some point, and I could be in a real jam over immigration crime."
5. "I got left at the altar
Katrilli said: "He had spent the previous day spending a lot of time with his ex instead of helping me set up.
"I yelled at him about it because he was late and hadn't helped at all. He said he didn't want to get married because spending time with his ex made him realize I wasn't as fun as she was because I was uncomfortable with him doing drugs."Kicked him out and still had the party. I told him to use that time to go home and pack up all his sh**. He did."
 6. "He was sleeping with someone else
"Didn't technically leave him at the altar but ten days before the wedding I found out he was sleeping with someone else.Took me two days to decide not to get married. Then over the next three weeks I discovered he was a sex addict and had been seeing other people for the entire nine years we were together. Got reeeeeaaal close to being stuck in that nightmare. Thankful every day that I didn't go through with it."

7. "She dodged a bullet"

Prannke said: "One of my best friends broke her engagement only a month before her wedding after he "joked" about kicking her face in because he thought she hugged her step brother for too long at her mom's anniversary party.

"She dodged a huge bullet since he was arrested for assault a year later.

8. And one wished she had left him...

Subsuperliminal: "I'm dealing with a sex addict husband now... 6 months AFTER the wedding. I wish I had known beforehand. This is the worst time of my entire life."

Culled from Daily Mirror