Tuesday 15 November 2016

Travel blogger creeped out to discover woman is following her and taking the exact same images

Travel blogger creeped out to discover woman is following her and taking the exact same images

 An Instagram star says that she is 'creeped out' by the appearance of images copying her own travel snaps right down to location ,poses and clothing

Lauren Bullen,23-year-old says that her love for travel took a dark turn when she and her boyfriend Jack Morris realised that someone was mirroring her journey in their own online snapshots.She wrote
"I understand seeking inspiration from what I do - and I love that, but this truly shocked me.
At first I thought it was all photoshopped & had to take screen shots to compare the two. They honestly did an incredible job copying our imagery, controversially insane mimics, so I congratulate them for this"I don’t promote and tag everything I wear, so that would have taken a lot of time and work, even down to the anklets and necklace ,"I think one of the funniest parts is that she had her boyfriend in on it too & wearing a bandana to be like Jack- he even wore similar clothes.. I guess at least the bandana was a different colour..  she wrote

 After the story went viral,,some accused her of being behind the copycat account as they couldn't believe someone would go through all those lengths for a picture..She wrote
I have been back in contact with Diana over the past 4 days once she unblocked me, and we have addressed this entire situation together. I have heard her reasons for all this, the apology has of course been accepted & we have discussed how this could have been handled differently & both agreed on how to finish all of this. I believe her word, she is NOT a stalker and this labelling needs to stop, so does the hate messages.
She is of no threat to me or anyone else & she has agreed that is was over the line. She just got inspired and liked the style of my work it was never for publicity or for seeking attention. Any accounts on instagram labelling themselves as her are fake accounts.
There has been so many speculations that I created this all myself for a media stunt, this was not something that I intended to gain anything from and I have refused to give out any more information to media on this situation, I shared an experience I believed was worthy to share with my followers and this has been the outcome. Believe what you want to believe, I am done with all this.