Thursday, 24 November 2016

White man,62 kills 15 year old black teen for accidentally bumping into him at supermarket

White man,62 kills 15 year old black teen for accidentally bumping into him at supermarket

 15-year-old James Means, was shot and killed by William Ronald Pulliam, 62, police said.

Means did nothing to ever even warrant a confrontation from Pulliam. Witnesses claim that what set Pulliam off was that Means accidentally bumped into him while entering the store.

After Pulliam left the store, the two exchanged words a second time, and Pulliam shot the teen twice in the abdomen, leaving him to die, then proceeded to go home, eat dinner, then go hang out at a friend's house, according to a criminal complaint.

After Pulliam's arrest on Tuesday morning, police said that he expressed no remorse whatsoever for killing the teen, but simply said, "The way I look at it, that's another piece of trash off the street."

NY Daily

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