Tuesday 20 December 2016

The Kardashians don't want anything to do with Blac Chyna after showing them 'who she really is'

The Kardashians don't want anything to do with Blac Chyna after showing them 'who she really is'

The Kardashians are angry with Blac Chyna and feel she is using their brother.
According to E! , Rob's sisters believe he issued a "fake apology" to simply smooth things over with Chyna.
 "The sisters don't want anything to do with this relationship. They see how fake it is. It's so unhealthy for their brother. They see how Chyna is using their family for fame and money and they aren't going to let it happen anymore. The family accepted her but since Chyna is now showing who she really is, they don't want anything to do with her. They have real-life problems going on and are trying to have a positive New Year and not this drama."
"Whatever people might think about the situation, the emotion during the weekend was 100 percent authentic," a source tells E! News. 
 The couple has already patched things up, although Chyna will be staying in her own house for a while. 
"This argument got a lot of attention, but honestly, this was kind of like a normal tiff for them. They always have these up and downs," the source says. "Everything is fine between them now. Rob has promised to get some help for self-esteem and jealousy issues. They are both committed to making this work. Ultimately, they both love one another. As for whether they will last, who knows? But they're both going to try.

By Monday afternoon, Rob wrote
"This weekend I was in an emotional bad place and did some things that embarrassed myself and my family. I apologize and I'm seeking help to deal with my flaws/issues," he wrote on Instagram. "Please pray for me and I'm sorry @blacchyna. You are a great mother to our child and I love you."