Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Criminal, you have 4 children from 4 men-Angela Okorie still blasting Kemi Olunloyo

Criminal, you have 4 children from 4 men-Angela Okorie still blasting Kemi Olunloyo

Actress Angela Okorie and controversial journalist, Kemi Olunloyo are still going in on each other.The duo continued this morning after Kemi Olunloyo replied Angela's diss yesterday..Read Angela's post below and Kemi's after..
Kemi omololu olunloyo i am aware am dealing with a criminal, and i also know you were jailed for drug trafficking in Tiny caribbean island nation of jamaica and attempted murder in canada where you shot one of your boyfriends years back in Toronto canada 2007,
you have four children from four different Men, and to think that your own father former Oyo governor Disowned you due to your attitude and shame you brought to your family, i have been waiting patiently for you to release proof of your allegation towards me, but Rather you kept on ranting like a lunatic that you are, plz fellow Nigerias could you kindly tell this criminal Kemi Omololu Olunloye to openly present to my fans, nigerians the money transaction as she claimed,and may i remind you that there is a law passed in nigeria against false information about people, i see this is the only launguage you understand, the fact that you have resided for nearly three decades and was denied permanent residence Status because of your serial criminal acts. does not give you the right to pass wrong information about Me.KEMI OMOLOLU OLUNLOYO I DARE YOU TO OPENLY PRESENT PROOF OF YOUR ALLEGATION, WE NIGERIANS ARE PATIENTLY WAITING. THANK YOU

Kemi wrote
 #HNNTraffic The countdown is on for who will DIE first of an untimely death and get drunk in their own blood as #AngelaOkorie professed on #KemiOlunloyo. @realangelaokorie whose profile showed 666k fans 1/25/17 when she dished out curses on #madamhnnđź‘‘ is seen here with her son Chamberlaine driving WITHOUT a seatbelt with a child and the child's belt is not at the shoulder harness level but behind his back. Okorie is also busy driving and shooting video selfies a hazardous act endangering other drivers.
She is now a single mother to Chamberlaine after her marriage crashed and she began dating #Gambian dictator #yahyajammeh. Jammeh reportedly paid her $1.5M after Gambians threatened her life to leave their country while campaigning for the dictator citing the fact that she was a Nigerian and not Gambian voter. She has not addressed the allegations instead dishing out curses which was #backtosender immediately. Her husband reportedly left her because of her "excessive prostitution activities" he told #HNNAFRICA ~~~Zoie

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