A young wife stabbed her husband's teenage mistress after he cheated on her after the birth of their premature baby.
Natasha Khan, 18, stormed up to Leah Cryne and subjected her to a frenzied knife attack after she spotted her by chance while strolling through a park with her spouse.Miss Cryne, also 18, was knifed six times and taken to hospital for various wounds to her right shoulder and her left arm.
Police spoke to the victim as she lay injured in Manchester Royal Infirmary - then arrested Khan at neighbouring St Mary's Hospital where her one-month-old baby Aydin was lying gravely ill after being born prematurely.
The infant has since died.
Minshull Street crown court in Manchester heard the stabbing occurred following angry phone calls between the two women which culminated in Miss Cryne snapping and saying:
She was also issued with a restraining order preventing her from contacting Miss Cryne indefinitely.
The court heard Khan discovered her husband had been secretly meeting up with Miss Cryne while she was at the baby's bedside in hospital and she confronted the mistress in a series of phone calls.Passing sentence the judge, Miss Recorder Amanda Yip QC, told Khan: "Miss Cryne did not just experience physical trauma, she suffered with post-traumatic stress disorder.
"I do accept that you were young and immature and dealing with profound stress at the time. I do accept that your decisions were impacted by your grief."
Daily Record
Natasha Khan, 18, stormed up to Leah Cryne and subjected her to a frenzied knife attack after she spotted her by chance while strolling through a park with her spouse.Miss Cryne, also 18, was knifed six times and taken to hospital for various wounds to her right shoulder and her left arm.
Police spoke to the victim as she lay injured in Manchester Royal Infirmary - then arrested Khan at neighbouring St Mary's Hospital where her one-month-old baby Aydin was lying gravely ill after being born prematurely.
The infant has since died.
Minshull Street crown court in Manchester heard the stabbing occurred following angry phone calls between the two women which culminated in Miss Cryne snapping and saying:
"I hope your son dies and when he does I'm going to dig him up and spit on him."In response Khan retorted:
"Watch it - when I see you, God help you."Khan, from Whalley Range, Manchester, was yesterday locked away for three years and four months in a young offenders' institute after she admitted wounding with intent and a separate offence failing to answer her bail.
She was also issued with a restraining order preventing her from contacting Miss Cryne indefinitely.
The court heard Khan discovered her husband had been secretly meeting up with Miss Cryne while she was at the baby's bedside in hospital and she confronted the mistress in a series of phone calls.Passing sentence the judge, Miss Recorder Amanda Yip QC, told Khan: "Miss Cryne did not just experience physical trauma, she suffered with post-traumatic stress disorder.
"I do accept that you were young and immature and dealing with profound stress at the time. I do accept that your decisions were impacted by your grief."
Daily Record