Sunday 5 February 2017

11 year old boy goes on raping spree of boys under 13 after watching porn

11 year old boy goes on raping spree of boys under 13 after watching porn

An 11-year-old schoolboy has admitted to carrying out seven counts of rape and sexual assault on boys under 13 after watching porn.

The offending was uncovered when one of the boy’s victims began simulating sex acts with Lego pieces at school.A teacher raised the alarm with the parent who then spoke to the child and discovered they had been the victim of sexual abuse.

The offending happened when the defendant and victims, who were known to each other, were visiting each other’s homes.

It also emerged that the victims were asked to “keep quiet” by the defendant over the assaults, Chronicle Live reported.

The court heard that the boy’s mother, who was a teenager when she gave birth, “struggled” to deal with parenting and that she would “frequently shout at and blame the defendant for things he had not done”.

A solicitor acting on the boy’s behalf added:
“Things improved when he was with grandmother but behaviour deteriorated at home” and that the boy’s younger brother was “the favoured son, which had negative effects”.
He is now living with his grandmother permanently in another region and “is in a much better environment”, helping out around the house and with the family business.
District Judge Roger Elsey said:
“These are very serious offences - if you were an adult there would inevitably be a long custodial sentence for them.
“It’s clear from what I have read that your behaviour has been affected by your ability to access pornography from the internet.
“I have to have regard to the fact that you were 11-years-old yourself at the time you committed these offences.
“You are relatively immature and you have specific educational needs.”
He was given a referral order which the judge argued would provide more rehabilitation work than a custodial sentence.

Judge Elsey concluded the hearing by saying “make sure we don’t see you again”.

Chronicle Live