Thursday, 23 February 2017

9 Family Members Arraigned For Gang Raping A drunk Lady

9 Family Members Arraigned For Gang Raping A drunk Lady

9 asylum seekers from the same family have being arraigned at the  Austrian capital Vienna following accusations of gang raping a 28-year old German teacher on New Year’s Eve 2015.

The Iraqi men, were charged with ‘abuse of a defenceless person and rape in a very humiliating and agonising way for the victim.’

According to Mail Online,  rapists, aged between 22 and 45, all arrived in Austria between May and December 2015.

At the opening of the trial on Tuesday the court heard how the woman, identified only as Sabine K., was ‘blind drunk’ when she went with the men to an apartment.

Doctors stated that the victim was raped several times.

She had reportedly shouted in German: ‘No, I don’t want this.’ Then in English: ‘Listen to me, just a little bit.’

After calling the police, a tracking app on the victim’s phone reportedly led officers to the scene.

Although, most of the men deny the charges but DNA from six of them was found in or on her body.

The trial continues today.