Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Daddy Freeze fires back at Uche Maduagwu for telling him to stop criticizing men of God

Daddy Freeze fires back at Uche Maduagwu for telling him to stop criticizing men of God

Daddy Freeze has given a scathing reply to actor Uche Maduagwu after the latter warned Freeze to face his job and stop criticism men of God..Freeze wrote
After desperately trying to get my attention through flattery, wannabe actor with only one shirt, decides to employ aggression.
However, instead of trading insults, I have decided, as a man of God, to pay back with a kind gesture.

Dear @uchemaduagwu,
kindly oblige me by sending me your account details, so I can send you N10,000 to buy a dozen of this type of shirt you are wearing in different colors. Whatever change is left, should go towards your bus fare to Aswani, where you can get good quality shirts similar to the one you are wearing in your 'famous' photograph.
When we are done upgrading your wardrobe, let's discuss how I can help you achieve your dreams of finally becoming an actor.
We have a horror movie script we intend producing. It's about a city girl plagued by a village demon. You seem well suited for the latter role, and when, if at all you oblige us, would save us some money as you won't be needing too much make up, since in my humble opinion, you already bear quite a striking resemblance to how we intend to illustrate the spiritual character.
Do have yourself a blessed day as you consider my offers.
Warm Regards,

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