Wednesday 22 March 2017

When You Have A Good Soul, God Will Always Be There For You - Iyabo Ojo Finaly Breaks Silence

When You Have A Good Soul, God Will Always Be There For You - Iyabo Ojo Finaly Breaks Silence

Following several scandals she has been involved in, in the last week, Iyabo Ojo, finally breaks her silence.

She shared a new photo of herself and wrote:

My smiles are from within bcos i believe in my God & i find peace in me bcos i believe in my self, i believe that when u ve a gud soul & think gud & not evil towards ur fellow being, no matter how rough d road may be 4 u, God will always be 4 u, i have chosen happiness above all tho i have witnessed sadness a couple of times & may even witness more, God forbid!!! but no matter d obstacle, no matter d storm, I will always battle it & stand tall against all odds, bcos i believe that no one or any situation has d right to take my happiness away from me, bcos i believe my God will never allow what is above me take over me & as long as God has made me unbreakable & unshakeable then d enemy will always fail, i may fall a thousand times i tell u but i will always rise again greater than b4!!! I am never afraid to live bcos i know i will only live once!!! so i have chosen to be strong, i have chosen to be courageous, i have chosen to live happy, #iamatestimonyofGodsgreatness he has made d impossible possible countless times in my life & i will 4ever be greatful to him who has created me, I tell u never give up on ur self, never look down on ur self, never see ur self as a failure, never give up on ur self, never let any being make u feel miserable, believe in ur God, who has created u & believe in ur self, i am never afraid to take chances bcos that builds my experience, dear one never be afraid to take chances, never be afraid to fall, never be afraid to start all over again, it is never to late until death calls, never be afraid to love again, never say never bcos u never know what ur creator has in stock 4 u!!! speak positive into ur own life, think positive, be inspired!!!