Tuesday 11 April 2017

Read traumatised mum's heartbreaking words after her 3 year old daughter was raped by male nurse

Read traumatised mum's heartbreaking words after her 3 year old daughter was raped by male nurse

A mother told a court that she had been left so traumatised after a male nurse raped her three-year-old daughter that she is unable to undress or bathe her.

Depraved George Anderson told the young girl he was a doctor as he returned to her bedroom to repeatedly abuse her - and filmed it all on his mobile phone.
The 27-year-old was even caught coming out of the child's room by her mother - but lied that he heard her cry and was trying to reassure her.

Daily Mirror reports that ,psychiatric nurse Anderson had been invited to a drinks party by the child's mother - his friend - at her home in Torquay, Devon, late one night in November last year.

He filmed his rape of the child - a 64 second long ordeal for the screaming child - which happened at 11.31pm that night.

Anderson also digitally penetrated the child three minutes before - and again 28 minutes after the rape and again at 1.35am.

The mum, sat in the public gallery, wept as she then learned that Anderson then pleasured himself in front of the child after going into her room seven times that night.

The prosecutor said Anderson, who worked at Torbay Hospital in Torquay, had gone upstairs on a couple of occasions to use the bathroom.The mum saw him come out of the child's bedroom and she challenged him.

Anderson said she had been crying and popped in to check on her.

Later she heard the girl screaming and saw Anderson again coming out of her room - and he lied that he heard her cries and went to see if she was okay.

The mum said her daughter was crying and upset but settled her down, and Anderson left the house in the early hours.

It was the next morning that the child told her mum that 'uncle George the doc' had 'filmed her Minnie' and really hurt her.

She told her mum:"He was looking at my Minnie with his phone."

The police were called and arrested Anderson and they seized his mobile phone and an iPad which contained the damning footage.

He admitted in police interview that he had sexually assaulted her.

He told them he had taken cocaine and drunk too much saying:"I can't remember much."

He was asked if he had used his penis and replied:"I don't think so. Please tell me I didn't."

Asked about his sexual preferences he said he had a foot fetish and had downloaded indecent photos of children.

The mum wrote in her statement to the court:
"The rape of my three year old daughter had affected every aspect of my life and I am convinced it will affect me for the rest of my life too.

"Prior to this I had a fantastic and close relationship with my daughter.
"After finding out about the rape I could not even bear to look at her or be with her for a few days afterwards.
"I love my baby unconditionally, however I cannot bear to dress or undress her or bath her and ask her to these things herself.
"I feel completely paranoid that anything I do such as touching her when she is naked will be viewed as inappropriate.
"It feels like all the innocence that she once had has now been lost.
"I cannot take pictures of her anymore and do not want to be in pictures with her.
"I am really worried that every time a mobile phone or camera is pointed at her it will stir up memories within her.
"Every time I look at her I just imagine her tiny body going through trauma and being violated.
"I am paranoid about letting her have contact with other people as my trust of others has been destroyed and I am paranoid about my behaviour with her.
"Social Services have been involved and this has devastated me. I think of myself as a good mum and the fact they have become involved in my daughter's life has made me doubt this. I feel like I being watched all the time.
"I feel like the worst parent in the world. I feel like I have failed my daughter."
The mum, in her 20s, said she has now separated from her partner after constantly getting angry with him, getting upset over trivial things and because he could not cope with her unpredictable mood swings.
She is now living alone with her daughter in Torquay, Devon.
"I do not think I will be able to ever trust another man again and certainly do not think I will be able to be in a relationship with one, certainly where they have any contact with (my daughter).
"I trusted George, I thought he was my friend, he destroyed that trust.
"We have got rid of the bed that (my daughter) was raped in. Unfortunately we are still in the same house.
"I hate being there. I hate knowing George has also been in there and I can't bear to go into her room.
"Even though I have not seen the images or witnessed the rape myself it still plays through my head on a daily basis. They wont leave me.
"Directly I was informed about it, it was constantly in my head 24 hours a day seven days a week.
"I have nightmares all the time about George. I have not slept properly since it happened.
"I have become depressed to the point I struggle to get out of bed in the morning, I have no get up and go anymore and just sit around doing nothing.
"I hate being on my own and I also hate being with people. I feel that I am on my own and really struggling.
"I can't get George Anderson out of my head. I do not want him there, I want it to stop.
"I feel so much anger and hatred towards him that it scares me. I am not the person that I used to be.
"I have become scatty, irrational and generally not a very nice person. I used to be fun loving and enjoyed life.
"I especially enjoyed being a mum. I feel that this has all being taken away from me and I will never be able to enjoy these things again."
He was jailed for a total of 19 years and four months. He was also given a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and placed on the Sex Offenders' register until further order.