The shocking moment a man is pulled from his plane seat and dragged off the jet – because the airline overbooked the flight was caught on camera.
The disturbing footage shows the man was left bleeding from the mouth after his face was smashed against an arm rest during the incident which occurred on a United Airlines flight ,before it left Chicago for Louisville, Kentucky.
The person who filmed the footage tweeted: "Not a good way to treat a doctor trying to get to work because they overbooked."
United Airlines toldWHAS11:: "Flight 3411 from Chicago to Louisville was overbooked.
"After our team looked for volunteers, one customer refused to leave the aircraft voluntarily and law enforcement was asked to come to the gate.
"We apologise for the overbook situation."
The disturbing footage shows the man was left bleeding from the mouth after his face was smashed against an arm rest during the incident which occurred on a United Airlines flight ,before it left Chicago for Louisville, Kentucky.
The person who filmed the footage tweeted: "Not a good way to treat a doctor trying to get to work because they overbooked."
United Airlines toldWHAS11:: "Flight 3411 from Chicago to Louisville was overbooked.
"After our team looked for volunteers, one customer refused to leave the aircraft voluntarily and law enforcement was asked to come to the gate.
"We apologise for the overbook situation."
@United overbook #flight3411 and decided to force random passengers off the plane. Here's how they did it:— Jayse D. Anspach (@JayseDavid) April 10, 2017