Sunday, 28 May 2017

Teen cheats death in Manchester Arena terror attack thanks to a mistake

Teen cheats death in Manchester Arena terror attack thanks to a mistake

A girl of 15 who lost her mum in the Manchester attack says she survived because she misread a text telling her where to meet up.

Charlotte Fawell took a wrong turn after following mum Wendy’s instructions to meet her outside Monday’s Ariana Grande concert.Primary school teacher Wendy, 50, died in the blast while Charlotte — who was 50 yards from the explosion — survived.

Charlotte told The Sun on Sunday:

“I read the text wrong. If I’d have gone to the right door, I might not be here now. But I took a door on the left instead.I was walking out, a massive bang went off and the entire arena shook. I knew people were dead.I was ringing and ringing my mum, hoping she’d been knocked unconscious and she might wake up and answer — but she never did.”

In a furious rant at bomber Salman Abedi, she said:
“How would you feel if you were my age and you had no mum? She promised to be here forever and now she isn’t — because of you.”

Charlotte, who was at the gig with boyfriend Lee Davis, 16, did not find out her mum was dead until Wednesday.