Monday, 5 June 2017

Don't Use One Mistake To Judge Him - Daddy Freeze Defemnds Dammy Krane

Don't Use One Mistake To Judge Him - Daddy Freeze Defemnds Dammy Krane

From Daddy Freeze's table:
This gentleman is a good person. One of the most respectful young people I know. One mistake doesn't define him.
The pressure on entertainers, especially the young ones is unimaginably enormous.
Born into a nation where money is king doesn't help either.
Young people, please don't bow to societal pressure to conform, be yourself, money is not the only currency you can spend so don't engage in fraudulent activities to get it!
Understand the language of your talent, speak it well and your success will be televised. ~FRZ (bible teacher, servant of the true God, Convener, #FreeTheSheeple movement, leader, #TheFreeNation)🙏

Thoughts anyone?

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