Sunday, 29 January 2017

Woman kills herself after investing bank loan in MMM (Photo)

Woman kills herself after investing bank loan in MMM (Photo)

A woman in Benue State, who invested borrowed money in the popular MMM scheme, lost the money, has committed suicide.

Gloria Samson, 34, according to reports, had left her home in Makurdi, on 28 December, 2016 around 9 p.m leaving behind her two children both five years of age.

As she took her leave, she bid her children bye and apologised for any wrongdoing she might have committed against them and pleaded for forgiveness. The same message was reportedly sent through the children to her husband, David (pictured), a printer, who was still at work at that time.

She walked down to River Benue and drowned herself and her body was discovered by police on 2 January, 2017. It was alleged that she decided to commit suicide due to the crash of MMM, having invested a N.4 million loan she procured from various places in town.

Some of those who spoke to Sunday Tribune, said Gloria was a very lively person until early December 2016, when news of the crash in MMM went viral. One of her friends, Kate, said:
“She came to my stall early December, she was so moody, unlike her usual way of life.
I asked what the problem was, and she told me that she had run into deep problem. She added that she collected a sum of money and put it into MMM, but learnt that the thing had collapsed. She even threatened to run away.”

Some staff of the local bank where she obtained the loan, but were oblivious of her death, also traced her to her residence, to notify her that she had defaulted in her loan payment, only to be informed that she had passed on.

Her husband, David, also said towards December, 2016, he discovered she took a loan but there was nothing in the shop to suggest that she invested the money into her business Tribune reports.

He explained further that he discovered that his wife became depressed around early December when the news of the crash in MMM filtered into town and asked her what the problem was, but she only told him that she was sick.

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