Popular drama evangelist, Femi Ajewole, otherwise called Alfa Sule, hit the limelight some years back. He opened up about his marriage in a new interview with Punch.How did you meet your spouse?
Femi: I met her during the period I was into phone call business. At the time, she happened to be one of my customers. I was studying Electrical/Electronics Engineering and on my last stage of the National Diploma programme then at The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Oyo State. It was later that I earned a Higher National Diploma in the same discipline and institution on part-time.
Sola: I met him when he was into phone call business as he said. I was his customer then. I used to make calls regularly then at the call centre he was operating. I am a trained teacher having studied at a college of education in Oyo State.
For how long have you been married?
Femi: Our marriage is now seven years.
Sola: We have been married for about seven years.
What attracted you to your spouse?
Femi: Nothing really attracted me but I had a witness in my heart that she’s the best woman for me. I was also pleased with her appearance and mode of life.
Sola: I cannot really say what actually attracted me to him. I have unconditional love for him.
How did her family members receive you when she introduced you to them?
Femi: Her parents and family members welcomed me warmly when she introduced me to them. They gave me a warm reception having confirmed from her if she’s pleased to have me as her husband.
Your husband is popularly known as Alfa Sule. Is that the name you call him at home?
Sola: No. I do not call him Alfa Sule. In call him my love or special one.
What name do you call her?
Femi: I call her DG which means divine gift. The Alfa Sule is an alias. It was the name of a character in our first production, ‘oti gan pa’ (He’s been transfixed). The production also featured characters such as Woli Agba. Later, fans started calling us Alfa Sule because they were surprised about the featuring of an alfa as a character in a Christian movie. To avoid confusion since they kept on identifying us with the name, I adopted it.
What was your first disagreement all about?
Femi: We never had major disagreements; we only had differing opinions on some issues in the past. But we settled them quickly without allowing them to fester.
How often do you take your wife out for bonding?
Femi: Before the arrival of the children, we usually went out together anytime. We were like what you can call ‘5 and 6.’ But now, we go out occasionally because she does the major work of taking care of the children. I cannot afford to be putting her under stress anyhow. We still go out for bonding as family. We go out in company with the children.
What are the challenges of your union?
Sola: There are challenges but God has been faithful.
Who apologies first anytime there is disagreement?
Sola: I do.
Femi: Like I said, we had no major disagreements even when we were still new to each other but now that we are close, we have outgrown that stage. We understand ourselves more now than when we started courting. We do not quarrel not to talk of disagreement because of better understanding between us.
What are the things you like most about your wife?
Femi: She is submissive, respectful, believes in my ministry and loves me unconditionally.
Why do you think some celebrities marriages don’t last?
Femi: Any marriage that God is the foundation and built under His direction and guidance will definitely last.
Between love and money, which do you think is more important in marriage?
Sola: It is love of course because God is love.
Are the qualities you initially saw in her still intact?
Femi: Yes, the qualities I first saw in her are still intact. One major one I appreciate in her is that she loves moderate lifestyle not a flamboyant or extravagant one.
How do you cope with his female fans?
Sola: I have no problems with his female fans because I trust my husband so much. I know that he cannot do without them because of the ministry he runs.
How do you handle your female fans?
Femi: I cope with them very well because I know that it is the love they have for us that makes them to appreciate us anywhere they see us. Sometimes, after performing, many of them would desire to take pictures with us. If one does not attend to them well, one may be seen as trying to avoid them notwithstanding our busy schedule. So we try to give them the necessary attention. There was a female fan who called from the East last week. She said she had been trying to get my direct contact for about seven years. I was happy to hear her because it is all part of the love they have for us. I am coping well with all my female fans by the grace of God.
How has marriage changed you?
Femi: Marriage has made me a better person. That is to say it has made positive impact on me.
Sola: By the grace of God, our marriage has had positive changes and impact on our lives. I am fulfilled and pleased to be married to him.
Did you marry him as a drama evangelist?
Sola: No, I did not but I was aware of his ministry when the relationship started, not knowing that it would turn out to be a full-time ministry. I only thought he was using his gifts for the kingdom sake but God later turned it to beat my imagination.
What work does your wife do?
Femi: We work together and she also operates a store where she sells musical items. Besides, she participates in our drama ministration. She features in our last stage drama, titled Agbelebu. She acts as the wife of my brother in the drama.
How has the arrival of your children shifted attention from your husband to them?
Sola: Our children’s arrival has not shifted attention from my husband. I am really ensuring that I balance attention between our children and my husband.
What special gift did you give your wife to appreciate her?
Femi: I cannot say I have given her any greatest gift because she is worth more than material things to me. All I can say is that I do buy gifts for her that surprise and make her happy.
How do you celebrate your wedding anniversary?
Sola: We have not really done that. We hope to celebrate our wedding anniversary when the marriage clocks 10 years.